
Monday, April 22, 2013

Model build setup

Model build setup:

When you load your model into the CubeX software and set it up on the print head, pay attention to the orientation you place the model.

Each external print layer or features seem to start at the front (towards the touch screen). On the printed part you can sometimes see that “knit” line. So if you have some cosmetic features on the model, you might want to turn the model around.

Also orient the part with critical features building up. I try to study the model a little bit first and imagine how it would be built and where it might need support or not. Just run a build in the software and use the slider bar on the right to scroll thru the print path.

Sometimes it is better to design some supports into the part, since the automatic “support “ selection can overdue it with supports and you end up with a lot of after print cleanup.

Check out the Dino egg print and model. This is a great example for designed in supports. It builds very nicely with no raft and no support selected. And very little clean up needed after the print.

You can see my printed version in “CubeX print” of this blog.

If you have a longer part with little contact surface to the print bed, you might want to use “raft” or place helper disks under the edges of the model. You open your model, and then you open as many disks as you need and slide them under the edges of the model to create a larger surface area for the part to stick to the print pad. The part of the disk that extrudes from the model can be cut off after the print. This is usually easier than cleaning off the raft.
Helper disk files to add onto your build platform and position under the corners of the part.
Helper disks zip file

Note: If you scale the helper disk, make sure you don't scale too small/thin, otherwise might get a print file error because the disk height is thinner than you print height resolution.
You might also get a print file error if any bottom feature of your part is thinner than your print height resolution, which can accidently happen if you scale models down.

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